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        The Spring Bud Plan is a social public commonweal course to help the girl students who were forced to leave school because of poverty. This plan was initiated, organized and carried out by the China Children Foundation in the year of 1989. In August 1992, Madam Zhou Jiebing, councilor of the east district of Hong Kong learned that many girls in poor districts in the inner China were forced to leave school because they could not afford the tuition fee. She donated one million HK Dollar in one time as stipend for the girl education. This foundation was renamed Spring Bud Plan. During the first phase project of "Spring Bud Plan", 14 girl classes were hold in the remote and poverty districts of Guangdong, Hunan, Sichuan, and Guangxi, and 800 girls were supported. In the year of 1996, the China Children Foundation established "Special Fund for Practical Technology Training of Spring Bud Plan" to strengthen the practical technology education for girls and enhance their capabilities to beat poverty and maintain self-independence.